Investors and eventual partners of the State and that of communities that for Last Database decades have suffered the consequences of the Last Database socially irresponsible exploitation of natural resources. and in that the territorial conflict and the repertoires of collective action at the local level have been concentrated for years in the opposition to extractive industries. Therefore, there is a climate of double distrust: that of potential investors and Last Database eventual partners of the State and that of communities that for decades have suffered the consequences of the socially irresponsible exploitation of natural resources.
The articulation of a new Last Database model also lacks actors. Beyond extremely fragmented local expressions or rather “single-issue” interest groups and identities, the only actors still organized and capable of Last Database collective action (although lately they have only managed to generate boomerangs in public opinion) are the businessmen of the old model. On the geopolitical level, for its part, the most relevant change is the growing Last Database Chinese presence in strategic sectors of the Chilean economy. Neither the traditional entrepreneurs nor China will provide, at least if they act without counterweights, the basis to articulate a new model.
Meanwhile, what is Last Database surely seen from La Moneda are demands, petitions, anger and hopes, all as immediate as they are fragmented in terms of their Last Database collective articulation. The so-called "fifth withdrawal" (the possibility of withdrawing an additional 10% of pension funds from personal savings accounts) to which the government today opposes (having supported, from the opposition, the four previous projects) is perhaps the most visible manifestation of this type of demands, its immediacy and its lack of collective articulation. Any similarity Last Database with the logics that have prevailed in the Constitutional Convention is not mere coincidence, because, ultimately, in Chile there are demands, but there are no (yet) actors.