In electronic form, using the My Business online service , filling out the form is a little easier. Here the program will calculate the sheets for you, and fill in the details according to the required lines. You just have to enter the missing data in the calculations and send the report for control. If no filling control errors are detected, then feel free to send it to the fund. The date of sending the calculation is considered the date of delivery. You will also receive confirmation via electronic communication channels. You can get free access to the service right now at the link .
The order of filling out the form on an example
Let's fill in the calculation for the organization of Oxy-V LLC, where the director is Aniko who works in the organization together as an accountant, and for two of them the salary fund is 50,000 rubles. We will Germany WhatsApp Number List fill out the calculation for 3 months (1 quarter). Suppose that at the beginning of the calendar year there is no debt to the social insurance fund and all payments of insurance premiums were made in accordance with the law - on the 15th day of the month. Let's take the universal insurance rate - 0.2%. And none of the employees went on sick leave.
The basic procedure for filling out a new form for the delivery of the calculation for 9 months.
How to fill out the title page of Form 4-FSS
On the title page, we fill in the registration number of the insured and the code of subordination to the Fund. Adjustment number, if required, the reporting period (3 months, half a year, 9 months and a year), as well as the calendar year itself. Next come the basic data of the organization: this is the name, TIN, KPP, PSRN, contact phone number, OKVED.
Full legal address of the insured. The average number of employees, the allocation of the number of disabled people and workers employed in hazardous and hazardous industries. The number of sheets and applications (if necessary) is affixed. On the left, the data of the insured or his representative are indicated. The representative will need a power of attorney. Date of submission of the calculation and the signature of the insured. An employee of the Social Insurance Fund on the right will put a mark on acceptance (if the calculation is submitted on paper).
A sample of filling out the title page of form 4-FSS
How to fill out Table 1 of Form 4-FSS
Table 1 contains the calculation itself for calculating the base of insurance premiums. The amount of remuneration and other payments to insured persons is indicated here. The calculation is with a cumulative total, therefore, in page 1, column 3, the amount is indicated from the beginning of the calendar year, and then the last three calendar months of the reporting period are signed. If there are amounts that are not subject to insurance premiums, then fill out page 2. Page 3 displays the base for calculating insurance premiums. Page 5 is the rate set by the FSS for your organization, followed by surcharges (if any) and the final rate calculation.