This means that programmers do not need to remember the system architecture or manage memory. Thus Python becomes a friendly language. Applications and where this programming language is used We have seen what Python is some of its main features and also something about its history. Now we are going to delve into what type of applications Python has and in what type of developments it is usual to choose to use this programming language.
These are the main applications of Python as a programming langow mobile number list leuage Artificial intelligence. Python is widely used in the creation and programming of algorithms for the design and development of machine learning deep learning and artificial intelligence applications and programs. Web development. Web design and development is booming and one of the programming languages used for the development of the backend part is Python. Thus this programming system is gaining positions for being simpler and less complex than others which are still popular such as Java. Big Data. In a society in which information is increasingly important and data is increasingly complex Big Data stands as a fundamental discipline.
For the processing and analysis of this data and for the creation of the databases themselves Python is also one of the most used codes. Video game. Video games are also one of the most powerful industries in the market and in some developments Python is beginning to be used as a programming language. Above all in the field of serious games. Over time Python has established itself in all these fields and everything indicates that it will continue to grow in the future. Right now it is a language that has more than million active users in the world. This gives it a large and active community that shares many of its resources on the Internet.